9. Friends School area. Bounded on west by University Station/Mt.Sinai/Turkey Farm Rd., south by New Hope Creek, east by Erwin/Kerley Rd., north by count circle. Includes Korstian Division of Duke Forest south of Mt. Sinai to (but not including) New Hope Creek. Excludes the Hollow Rock section of Duke Forest north of Erwin along New Hope Creek (gates 27 and 33). Excludes 1716, 1720, University Station and Turkey Farm Rds. Notes: Includes the campus of Carolina Friends School and several nice forested trails in the Korstian Division of Duke Forest along Mount Sinai Road. See Duke Forest: Durham & Korstian Divisions for some ideas on where to go.
10. Duke Forest area. Bounded by New Hope Creek on north, Erwin Road on east, Weaver Dairy on south, and Sunrise on west. Excludes Weaver Dairy and Sunrise. Notes: Includes several nice forested trails in the Korstian Division of Duke Forest along Whitfield Rd. See Duke Forest — Korstian Division and Duke Forest: Durham & Korstian Divisions for some ideas on where to go.
Revised 11 January 2009 cwcook@duke.edu