by Will Cook
The Chapel Hill spring count on Saturday, May 13, 2023, recorded 118 species and 7705 individual birds, both below the average for the past 10 counts (121 species, 8050 individuals). Effort on the count was slightly below average, with 119.2 party hours (average 124.5) and 34 counters in 21 parties (average 39 counters, 20 parties). The number of birds per party hour, 64.6, was right on the average of 64.8. Relatively hot and breezy conditions may have hampered the count numbers a bit.
The highlight of the count: Corinne Hibbard, bushwhacking in the New Hope Creek wetlands at Jordan Lake off Eagle Spur Trail, had some amazing finds: 5 Blue-winged Teal, our 4th American Wigeon, along with good numbers of other ducks, and our 5th Common Gallinule. Nan DeWire's party at Briar Chapel found our third Mississippi Kite. Other goodies included a late Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Hibbard) and a Grasshopper Sparrow at Maple View farm (Roger Shaw).
We set no record highs, but a couple of species were higher than usual: 91 White-eyed Vireos (second highest), and 56 Blue Grosbeaks (highest since 2001).
We set one record low this year, a species that's been in serious decline for years: Field Sparrow, with only 3 recorded this count, compared to an average of 12. Several other species were recorded in very low numbers: 4 Rock Pigeons (average 21.9, lowest since 1972), 3 Green Herons (avg 9.1), 7 Red-tailed Hawks (avg 19.0, lowest since 1974), 39 N. Rough-winged Swallows (avg 92.5), 32 Wood Thrushes (avg 43.8), and 15 Scarlet Tanagers (avg 37.4, lowest since 1974). The biggest miss was Blue-headed Vireo.
Team honors: Corinne Hibbard put in an incredible effort bushwhacking in area 22N, which includes the wetlands at the upper reaches of Jordan Lake off Eagle Spur Trail, where New Hope Creek enters the lake. She racked both up the highest count of species, with 85, and the highest count of individual birds, with 700. She also put in a herculean effort, with 10.5 hours and 12.5 miles all on foot!
Weather in brief: low 65F, high 85F; wind W 7-16 mph; partly cloudy, no rain.
Thanks to all counters for their amazing efforts!
Detailed Results (PDF format)