Brown-headed Nuthatch
Brown-headed Nuthatch by Doug Pratt

Chapel Hill Bird Club—Counts and Lists

The purpose of the Chapel Hill Bird Club is to provide engagement and educational opportunities for area birders of all experience levels. We offer interesting educational programs, local birding field trips, Christmas and spring bird counts, and connection to other members via a Facebook group. Members have access to like-minded people including experts who can answer your questions. Whether you watch birds in your yard or travel to the ends of the earth to chase rarities, our club offers something for you. We are a friendly group and welcome all to join us, especially new birders! Our members are mostly from the Research Triangle area of North Carolina: Chapel Hill, Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Pittsboro, and surrounding towns.

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Bird Counts

We conduct Christmas, spring, and, formerly, fall bird counts.


The CHBC Checklist lists all the birds ever recorded in Chatham, Durham, and Orange Counties, NC, from 1975-11/2011, with frequency designations for every week of the year. The 2008, 2005, 2002, and 1999 CHBC Checklists are still available for comparison. There's also a graphical version in zipped Microsoft Word format.


We co-sponsor the Mini-Breeding Bird Survey in Orange, Chatham, and Durham counties. This project was started in 1999 by Haven Wiley and is now led by Allen Hurlbert, both ornithologists at the University of North Carolina. Visit the Mini-BBS site for full details.

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